The Alliance for Housing Solutions invites you to join a listening session designed to gather feedback and input on the future of the Arlington for Everyone campaign.
AHS believes that our community’s particular value of inclusivity has made Arlington a desired and asset-rich place to live, and that this shared value must persist to ensure the county’s success in the future.
The Arlington for Everyone campaign began with a focus on expanding awareness of affordable housing issues in our community. It launched Affordable Housing Education week, which has since become Affordable Housing Month and is recognized by Arlington County’s Housing Division.
In recent years, the Campaign has focused on telling stories that highlight the diversity of experiences Arlingtonians have in finding housing they can afford at various stages of life. (You can find these stories here.)
In light of the challenges many of our neighbors are facing due to the coronavirus pandemic, AHS is examining the future of the Arlington for Everyone campaign.
We anticipate a thoughtful and productive time together in the spirit of the campaign—openness, welcoming of diverse ideas, and dedication to making Arlington a place where all people can find a safe place to live within their means.
The listening sessions are free, but participants must register in advance. Please select one date that suits you best.
Registrants may want to consider the following questions prior to the session:
What attracted me to the Arlington for Everyone campaign?
What is confusing, less relevant, or could be improved upon?
What strategies or techniques could be used to engage me and my neighbors in learning more about affordable housing issues?
What principles or policies should the campaign adopt and/or pursue to further the mission of increasing the supply of affordable housing in our community?