Our Mission
The Alliance for Housing Solutions is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working to increase the supply of affordable housing in Arlington County and Northern Virginia through public education, policy development, advocacy and innovation.
Our Beliefs
AHS was created by civic leaders motivated by the belief that Arlington was rapidly becoming a community in which only affluent families could afford to live.
Supporters believe in:
Access to affordable, safe and decent housing for people of all economic backgrounds—including lower-income individuals and families with children, elderly people, and persons with disabilities
Diverse communities, where people of different cultural backgrounds and economic status can come to know each other and where children can be educated in schools which reflect the diverse world they will inherit
Inclusion of public servants—teachers, police, firefighters, and other public employees—strengthening ties and building familiarity in the communities they serve
Livable communities, where family, commuting, and environmental stresses are reduced by access to quality public transit, community infrastructure and proximity of homes to jobs