The 2015 Ellen M. Bozman Affordable Housing Award was shared by recipients who have helped build Foundations for affordable housing in Arlington, through policy and leadership or through financial support.
Walter Tejada, Jay Fisette, and Susan Dewey
Walter Tejada has shaped affordable housing policy for the last 15 years beginning with a battle over redevelopment of an apartment complex on South Glebe Road in the late 1990s. Tejada has tirelessly supported the creation of thousands of affordable units and worked as a protector of Arlington tenants, many of whom work for Arlington businesses.
Through loans and allocations of low-income housing tax credits, Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) has helped create thousands of affordable apartments in Arlington. VHDA loans funds at competitive rates that have helped hundreds of middle- and lower-income Arlingtonians become new homeowners.
View the event program. A big thank you! to our event sponsors—see the complete list.
View the presentation to learn more about the accomplishments of this year's recipients.
Read the Sun Gazette article online or browse a photo gallery of the event.