Long-time supporters of housing affordability tend to see what is usually called density through the lens of the affordable units that density can provide. Affordable units are important of course, but they are one among the many positive benefits of what are are increasingly called "Great Spaces." As a land use term, density usually refers to the number of units per a given piece of land, usually an acre. But in Arlington and the region, a smart growth orientation reaches beyond housing units to include transit access, walkable retail, green space, and other benefits.
Supporters of housing affordability need to be able to describe these positive aspects to a variety of audiences.
Great Spaces panelists
Link from the highlighted term to the powerpoint presentation.
Susan Ingraham Bell, Urban Land Institute: Great Spaces are in increased demand by a variety of demographic sectors.
Sophie Mintier, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments: Great Spaces provide economic benefits.
Stewart Schwartz, Coalition for Smart Growth: Great Spaces are also “green” spaces.
Kris Krider, Center for Urban Design and Research, Arlington County: Great Spaces can also be created in single-family home neighborhoods, as well as along the Rosslyn--Ballston and Columbia Pike corridors.
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