Rising housing costs are squeezing Arlington’s residents out of the community they call home. As time goes on, everything seems to be getting bigger: bigger homes, bigger price tags, bigger challenges. But Missing Middle Housing offers a path forward.
Missing Middle Housing is not a specific style or a type of government-subsidized housing, but a size of home that falls between a single-detached home and a mid-rise apartment. These are housing types you know well: duplexes, triplexes, townhomes, and more. Missing Middle types blend easily into existing neighborhoods, but their efficient scale makes them less costly than the single-detached homes nearby.
Missing Middle Housing alone won’t solve the affordability challenges facing the County, but it is an important step toward an Arlington for everyone.
Together with our partner the Langston Boulevard Alliance, we invite you to explore our new video: “Missing Middle Housing for a Better Arlington.” Learn about the housing supply challenges facing our community, types of Missing Middle Housing, and how Missing Middle Housing could benefit Arlington.
Let’s talk about how Missing Middle Housing can make Arlington a better place. Visit missingmiddlearlington.net to learn how you can support Missing Middle Housing in the County, sign up for updates, or join the Missing Middle Network.
AHS and Lee Highway Alliance would like to thank Virginia Housing for supporting this important work.