Hanna and Scott Friedrich moved to Arlington from Washington State to be closer to relatives. They found a neighborhood that felt like family.
The late George H.W. Bush once poignantly stated, “In crucial things, unity; in important things, diversity; in all things, generosity.”
Those three words, unity, diversity, and generosity, are still just as powerful today as they were when the 41st President used them to usher in his presidency. They seem to be almost intentionally prophetic as if to forge the values of a country and point out the inherent call that ‘in all things’ choose generosity.
My wife and I moved to Arlington nearly a decade ago from Washington State. Initially we moved to be closer to Hanna’s relative and my distant families. However, we soon realized that our community and local neighborhood became our family. As with most West-Coast transplants, we arrived in Arlington with an almost sponge-like curiosity. We wanted to soak in the rich contextual history that forged this nation.
As time passed, our curiosity fueled our passion to serve and live a more meaningful life. This ultimately led me to the Arlington campus of George Mason University where I was able to complete my Master’s of Public Administration, Nonprofit Management in 2016.
“Arlington for Everyone means a community that values diversity, inclusivity, and sustainability.” -Scott Friedrich, at the February 28 Housing Happy Hour hosted by the Alliance for Housing Solutions.
What I love most about living in Arlington, beyond its proximity to one of the most powerful political decision engines in the world, is its unceasing ability to prioritize and fight for the under served, underrepresented, and disadvantaged. Arlingtonians understand the duty-obligation contract that necessitates action. We are not a ‘sit on the side-lines’ kind of people, and there is beauty in building a life with that sense of urgency. In that vein, I am honored and humbled to be actively involved and advocate for our neighbors in financial need as a board member of Arlington Thrive. Even before my direct involvement with Arlington Thrive, I shared the vision of an Arlington community where all have homes, are financially stable, and thrive.
I joined the Arlington For Everyone campaign because I believe that we have an obligation to provide and fight for affordable housing in Arlington. I believe that we are stronger together when we empathetically listen to our neighbors in need and answer the call to serve.
Written by Scott Friedrich