The 2016 Ellen M. Bozman Affordable Housing Award recognized twenty Arlingtonians whose commitment helped bring about the County's first Affordable Housing Master Plan.
Seeking Solutions During Affordable Housing Month
Leckey Forum 2016: Finding the Missing Middle
Event Recap
Is it time to focus on how Arlington's housing market works for its middle-income population?
What can design, and financial and regulatory initiatives do to better serve downsizing seniors, young people, growing families, and newcomers to the community experiencing sticker shock?
AHS convened experts and community members at the Clarendon Ballroom on Thursday, October 13, 2016.
Daniel Parolek of Opticos Design provided an inspiring keynote defining Missing Middle Housing (link to the video or slidepresentation), and we heard from panelists on planning/zoning and financial considerations (see video at Making Room for Missing Middle Housing and Making the Numbers Work).
Speakers (see program for bios):
Erik Gutshall, Clarendon Home Services, and Arlington Planning Commission
Bob Brosnan, Catholic University
Scott Matties, Cunningham | Quill Architects
Lisa Nisenson, GreaterPlaces
Robert Burns, City First Enterprises, and Grounded Solutions Network
Richard Donohoe, Fidelity Bank Mortgage
Steven Cover, Arlington Community Planning, Housing, and Development
Noemi Riveira, Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia
David DeCamp, D2 Partners, LLC
Michael Geary, Geary-O'Hara Family Foundation
Guests were treated to a preview of our missing middle design gallery.
In Support of APAH's Westover Purchase
Preserving Westover Area Apartments
Westover is a vibrant and diverse community in North Arlington that is centered on the Westover Village shopping district, home to many beloved independent retailers and restaurants. However, in the past two years, 62 apartments in seven buildings in the Westover area have been demolished for by-right townhouse development. AHS is actively involved in helping develop and implement affordable housing strategies and solutions in Arlington County and preservation of apartments in the Westover area of North Arlington.
Moving Forward on the AHMP
HousingArlington's Comments on FY2017 County Budget
Twenty-two Arlington housing and service advocacy organizations ask for additional consideration in the 2017 budget.
AHS Recommends Sustainable AHIF Funding and Planning Support
AHS asks County Board to consider sustainable AHIF funding and increased planning support in the 2017 budget.
Supporting the Affordable Housing Master Plan
As Arlington's Affordable Housing Master Plan was approaching a vote by the County Board in fall of 2015, AHS reached out to its mailing list with a Q&A on the plan, urging support, links to key documents, and a call to action. AHS also ran two full-page ads (click on an image below for a larger view) in the Arlington Sun Gazette (September 10 and 17, 2015) to provide information to the larger Arlington community. The County Board adopted the AHMP after a September 19 hearing (more on that hearing, with link to video, here).