Photo by Terry Belt
"He has been a tireless advocate for affordable housing all across the commonwealth," Susan Dewey, Executive Director of VHDA, said when she presented Jay Fisette with the Ellen Bozman Affordable Housing Award on December 2, 2018.
During the 20 years Fisette served on the Arlington County Board he championed funding for affordable housing and initiated efforts to create Arlington's Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance and Live Where You Work grants. He approached housing holistically, looking at how it interfaced with transportation and the environment. Fisette prioritized building for mixed-income and mixed-use and helped the county consider diversity.
He also served on VHDA's Board of Directors from 2002-2010. Within a year of joining the board he helped dismantle the "Family Rule," which discriminated against same-sex couples who applied for home loans.
“One of the things I’ve always admired about Jay is his willingness to listen,” Dewey said.
She also noted that together, she and Fisette were an unstoppable foosball team.