Fair Housing

Equity & Affordability: 2019 Leckey Forum Videos

Andrea Brennan, housing policy and development director for the Minneapolis, spoke at the Alliance For Housing Solutions’ annual Leckey Forum about how her city recently upended many of its housing regulations to make way for affordability and, most importantly, equity.

Confronting Diversity: Leckey Forum Videos

Confronting Diversity: Leckey Forum Videos

Arlington County’s vision is to be a “diverse and inclusive world-class urban community.” The 2018 Leckey Forum explored the challenges to achieving this vision by exploring the historical context of racial segregation and current policies that keep neighborhoods from being more diverse.

Housing Segregation: A Vestige of the Past?

The Fair Housing Act was passed fifty years ago, yet America’s neighborhoods remain deeply segregated along racial lines. Author Richard Rothstein argues that this divide is the direct result of government policies, some of which are relegated to the past and others that are still in place today.