The State of Affordable Housing 2017: The Changing Landscape of Affordable Housing Finance

The State of Affordable Housing Forum is an annual AHS event designed to engage the community in a discussion of a range of current events and the outlook for affordable housing in the coming year. This year's event subtitled “Federal Upheaval…Local Consequences” was held at the intersection of major federal decisions that could have lasting political impacts to the future of affordable housing finance and community economic development programs.

Leckey Forum 2015: Nuts & Bolts of Affordable Housing


AHS developed its 2015 Leckey Affordable Housing Forum as a "teach in" on current affordable housing issues in Arlington. [See all previous Leckey Forum topics.]

Link to the program with speaker bios. Link to presenter slides from the blue titles below.

Financing the Deal: Tax Credits and the AHIF

The Basics of Low Income Housing Tax Credits---Michael Scheurer, Vice President, Cornerstone Housing Development Corp.

Affordable Housing Investment Fund (AHIF)---Yoomie Ahn, Housing Development Supervisor, Arlington County

General Land Use Plan and Zoning Issues

Achieving Affordable Housing: Role of the General Land Use Plan and Zoning---Susan Ingraham Bell, Planning and Zoning Consultant

Market Rate Development and Affordable Housing in Arlington County---Kedrick Whitmore, Venable LLP

The Public--Private Partnership

The Public--Private Partnership---Nina Janopaul, President/CEO, APAH and David Cristeal, Housing Director, Arlington County

Housing in Community

Home Buying in Arlington---Reverend Jon Smoot, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia and Karen Serfis, Executive Director, Arlington Home Ownership Made Easier (AHOME)

Community Facilities Study (CFS) Update and Housing Implications---Ginger Brown, Vice Chair, CFS Working Group

Educational Support Programs in Affordable Housing: Building Successful Families and Neighborhoods through Resident Services---Kathie Panfil, Board Member, APAH and Edu-Futuro and Jennifer Endo, Resident Services Director, AHC Inc.
