Housing News

Housing Conservation District Planning Process Begins

In December 2017, the Arlington County Board approved Phase 1 of a proposal for a Housing Conservation District (HCD) that will provide protections and incentives to preserve or replace affordable apartments in market rate affordable buildings. Phase 2 of the plan, which includes developing a set of incentives to help property owners renovate or redevelop their properties in exchange for affordability protections, will be developed throughout 2018.

MARKs and the Affordable Housing Master Plan


Market Rate Affordable Housing (MARKs) are an important part of the affordable housing stock in Arlington that serves low- to moderate-income households.

MARKs are units that are affordable to moderate or low-income families due to amenities, condition, age, and/or location of the units. The rents are not regulated by any agency allowing for diversity of incomes in buildings or neighborhoods.

This chart, taken from the county's first annual report on the Affordable Housing Master Plan shows how drastically we are losing MARKs (blue line).


AHMP: Supply, Access, Sustainability

Read how the County did in its first year implementing the Affordable Housing Master Plan (AHMP), including a look forward at multi-year projects.

See the County's Annual Report page for context and information on past goals and targets.