In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy of fighting for inclusive and affordable housing, the Alliance for Housing Solutions participated in Volunteer Arlington’s annual Day of Service.
Joined by partners AHC, Inc. and Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (APAH), AHS provided a training focused on the housing affordability crisis facing Arlington—a crisis that started well before Amazon announced it would be coming to National Landing.
The training kicked off a season of advocacy focused on raising Arlington County’s contribution to the Affordable Housing Investment Fund (AHIF) to $25 million in fiscal year 2021 and discussing options for updating zoning ordinances to allow for more “missing middle” types of housing, like duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, and cottages.
Participants from across the county wrote to board members to express their support for these measures.
One wrote, “I have seen the negative consequences of the housing crisis in San Francisco with my family and friends and do not want to see that happen to Arlington.”
Another commented that as a young professional, “I want to be able to live in and contribute to Arlington for the long haul.”
AHS plans to continue to focus on AHIF funding and missing middle housing during 2020. By investing in committed affordable housing for our lowest income neighbors and creating a greater variety of housing options for everyone, Arlington will be able to prevent displacement of low- and middle-income neighbors whose presence is vital to both the economic and social success of the community.
Want to join our advocacy efforts?
Contact us to sign up as an advocate
Join us at our February 12 happy hour to learn more and meet other advocates
View the PDF used in the MLK Day of Service training