The Alliance for Housing Solutions Blog provides updates on policies, events, and other news related to affordable housing issues in Arlington and Northern Virginia.
Arlington County is taking seriously the recommendations from AHS to focus on urgent needs for affordable housing through the FY 2019 budget close-out and the FY 2021 budget guidance.
Changes to zoning policy for bonus density approved November 16 allow for greater flexibility in developing affordable housing in certain areas of the County.
Arlington Community Foundation’s new program, the Shared Prosperity Initiative, was the recipient of the tenth annual Ellen M. Bozman Affordable Housing Award at an evening fundraiser on November 17.
As a middle-aged adult, my priorities have changed. My life is no longer about having a fascinating career with a high income, but about enjoying life and having balance.
Union on Queen is the product of a partnership between Wesley Housing Development Corporation and Bozzuto Development resulting in 78 committed affordable units and 115 market rate units.
Many Arlingtonians are frustrated by the lack of housing options that are affordable, but what are the economics behind the lack of supply and high prices?
Crossing Borders: Stories about faith, courage, and hope showcases four regional tellers who share their experiences about encounters with “other”—people from different cultures, races, religions, and countries.
On November 17, the Alliance for Housing Solutions will honor Arlington Community Foundation’s Shared Prosperity Initiative with the Ellen M. Bozman Affordable Housing Award.
Author and fourth-generation Arlingtonian Wilma Jones has chronicled the stories of the historically African American community where she grew up in a book titled “My Halls Hill Family: More than a Neighborhood.”
“Price is a major barrier to renting or owning in Arlington. A condo is more aligned to our price range, but Arlington doesn’t have a lot of condos so finding one is like finding a needle in a haystack.”
Andrea Brennan, housing policy and development director for the Minneapolis, spoke at the Alliance For Housing Solutions’ annual Leckey Forum about how her city recently upended many of its housing regulations to make way for affordability and, most importantly, equity.
Andrea Brennan, housing policy and development director for the Minneapolis, spoke June 5 at the Alliance For Housing Solutions’ annual Leckey Forum about how her city recently upended many of its housing regulations to make way for affordability and, most importantly, equity.